Sports therapy utilises a number of techniques to help ease pain and encourage recovery. While the specific treatment used will depend on the nature of your injury and your own personal history, the following techniques are commonly used after an initial assessment and treatment plan is put in place.


Trigger point therapy is a neuromuscular therapy designed to speed up recovery from injury, correct muscular imbalances and relieve pain. I will stretch the muscle and then apply pressure to areas of muscle tightness or ‘knots’.  This helps to relieve muscle tension and promote healing.  Inflammation occurs when a muscle is injured.  The body recognises this and this causes pain which makes you protect the muscle to prevent further damage.  The pressure of trigger point therapy ‘reprograms’ the neuromuscular system so that pain decreases.  This encourages the muscles to return to their normal state. This promotes healing as the inflammation decreases and the individual experiences reduced pain and tightness. Trigger point therapy can be beneficial for conditions including:

  • Muscle injury

  • Muscle tightness

  • Carpel tunnel syndrome
  • Repetitive strain injury


Myofascial release is a combination of light stretching and massage to release muscle tension and break up scar tissue. I will apply moderate traction and twisting techniques in combination with gentle stretching in order to achieve this. Each stretch and massage technique can last for several minutes and be performed several times until the muscle is completely relaxed. Myofascial release provides benefit by combining stretching and massage. The techniques used and the length of time taken allows muscle to relax and also helps to break up scar tissue that can be formed from tense, overused or injured muscles. It can also prevent injury occurring by maintaining flexibility and range of movement.  Myofascial release can benefit several conditions including:

  • Muscle injury

  • Muscle spasm

  • Contractures

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  • Arthritis

  • Whiplash

  • Fibromyalgia


MET is a type of manual therapy used to lengthen, strengthen and improve the range of movement of muscles. I will resist the desired muscle while you contract it and push against me. This contraction is held for about 5 seconds and the process is repeated several times with a short rest in between. Muscle energy techniques are a form of manual therapy used to enhance range of motion or strengthen weakened ligaments. MET are based on reciprocal inhibition which is the theory that when a muscle is contracting, the opposite muscle of the joint is relaxing. So as one muscle is contracting against the therapist, the opposite muscle is being stretched. MET allows the individual to contract and stretch the muscle to its full potential and take the joint to its full range of movement. When this is repeated, gains can be made in muscle flexibility and strength. MET can be used by healthy individuals to maintain muscle flexibility and to prevent injury and used as treatment for problems such as:

  • Pain inhibited movement of neck, shoulders and back
  • Sciatica

  • Scoliosis

  • Leg length discrepancy

  • Muscle injury

  • Muscle tightness


Soft tissue mobilisation is a general term used to describe different forms of massage therapy. I will use manual techniques to affect muscles and other soft tissues. Soft tissue mobilisation is used to relax muscles, promote healing and breakdown scar tissue. Soft tissue mobilisation works by mobilising muscles and therefore breaking up scar tissue. The mobilisations also help to remove waste products from the damaged area which increases the speed of the healing process. Soft tissue mobilisation also helps to release the tension in the muscle which increases flexibility and range of movement. Soft tissue mobilisation can help to treat many conditions such as:

  • Muscle injury

  • Muscle spasm

  • Contractures

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  • Arthritis

  • Scar tissue

  • Whiplash

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Sciatica

Fit for Adventure Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation